Bulletin News & Announcements for February 9, 2025

Guys’ Group Our next meet-up will be on February 11th, at 6:15 p.m. in the conference room.

WOW Dinner Join us for WOW Dinner on February 12th, starting at 5:30 p.m. The menu will be: Baked Potato Bar
& Chili. Please see Nina Starr with any questions.

Benevolence Fund We need your help to continue our Benevolence Ministry! This ministry is fully funded by your
generous donations on Communion Sunday or by online or in-person giving. We are currently helping with utilities
and food cards but we need your help to continue doing this!

RAH T-Shirts If you would like to order a t-shirt please see Janis Woods, Cindy Covington, or Barry Goughler.

Financial Update
As of 2/4/2025
General Fund
Actual YTD Revenues $57,240.23
Actual YTD Expenses $55,623.37

If you have any questions about the above information,
contact Brittney Billy at brittney@dallasfirstumc.org.