Bulletin News & Announcements for February 16, 2025

Griefshare Meetings are held on Mondays from 10 a.m.- noon in the Barton Room. This is open to the
Community. You can register at www.griefshare.org/findagroup or in the Eblast. Please contact Mickey
Gazaway with any questions at mickeygazaway@yahoo.com.

Prayer Shawl We will be meeting in the Annex on February 24th.Hope to see you there!
WOW Dinner We will not have WOW this week due to winter break. Next week, February 26th, the
menu has changed to pizza, and we will meet in Vinson Hall. Please see Nina Starr with any questions.

Ladies Looking for Lovely We will be meeting on February 20th, at 10 a.m. in the Annex. Please see
Sharon Vinson with any questions.

Adult Bible Study Join Mrs. Tina Rakestraw starting Wednesday, February 26th, at 6:30 p.m. for our
new Bible study Seven Words by Susan Rob. We will be looking at the seven last words of Christ on the
cross through a lens that finds life and hope in his final sayings, while exploring each from a biblical and
historical perspective. We will be meeting in Vinson Hall on February 26th.

Renew at 9 Service on February 23rd We will have our normal 9 a.m. Modern Worship Service next
week, but it will be held in the Sanctuary. Please see Mrs. Julianna if you have any questions.

Benevolence Fund We need your help to continue our Benevolence Ministry! This ministry is fully
funded by your generous donations on Communion Sunday or by online or in-person giving. We are
currently helping with utilities and food cards but we need your help to continue doing this!

Endowment Board Announcement The Endowment Board approved an Endowment Spending Policy
and a Funding Request Fund for members and committees to make requests to the Board. Both can be
found on the church website under the Resources tab.

RAH T-shirts You can order your RAH t-shirt for $18. Order forms are available in the eblast or on the
website. Please see Janis Woods, Cindy Covington or Barry Goughler for more information.

Sanctuary Flowers The cost of ordering sanctuary flowers has been increased to $60. Please see Nelda
Hadaway if you would like to place an order, or if you have any questions.

Financial Update
As of 2/11/2025
General Fund
Actual YTD Revenues $66,794.37
Actual YTD Expenses $75,026.96

If you have any questions about the above information,
contact Brittney Billy at brittney@dallasfirstumc.org.