Adult Bible Study with Rev. Blake starting February 26, 2025

Adult Bible Study with Rev. Blake starting February 26, 2025

Examine the last seven words of Christ on the cross this Lent.While many of us naturally wish to avoid the reality of the cross, it’s from the cross that Jesus speaks and shows his deepest love for us. It’s from the cross that Jesus’ full humanity draws us closest to him. It’s from the cross, as Jes

Dallas First Dallas First
Outreach News

Outreach News

Outreach News for 2025March 19, 2025: Fundraiser Dinner for MissionsMarch 23, 2025: Rise Against HungerMay 23-24, 2025: Save the Date, Save your stuff! Outreach Annual Yard SaleMore Information coming soon!

Dallas First Dallas First
Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study

You are fully embraced by Christ, and your life is rich in purpose.The book of Galatians is a passionate letter explaining what it really looks like to be a follower of Jesus Christ and how our freedom in him is certain. It’s a letter that many of us urgently need to hear.In this video Bible study g

Dallas First Dallas First
WOW Dinner

WOW Dinner

Join us for a special time of Fellowship and Bible Studies for children, youth, and adults starting at 5:30 p.m. in the FLC.Upcoming Menus:February 5: MeatloafFebruary 12: Baked Potato Bar & ChiliFebruary 19: NO WOW- Winter BreakFebruary 26: Pizza – (in Vinson Hall)March 5: Pancake Dinner (Shrove/Fa

Dallas First Dallas First
Kinda Q&A – First Sunday Every Month

Kinda Q&A – First Sunday Every Month

Join Rev. Trent for some Q&A! We will meet on the first Sunday of each month at 10 a.m. in the Family Life Center. There are boxes in both services for you to leave your questions.We will not be having Kinda Q&A in February. We will resume on March 2, 2025.

Dallas First Dallas First
Bulletin News & Announcements for February 16, 2025

Bulletin News & Announcements for February 16, 2025

Griefshare Meetings are held on Mondays from 10 a.m.- noon in the Barton Room. This is open to the Community. You can register at or in the Eblast. Please contact Mickey Gazaway with any questions at Shawl We will be meeting in the Annex o

Dallas First Dallas First
Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Shawl meets on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in the Barton Room. If you have any questions, please call Sue Peggs at 678-833-4506 or Ellen Thomson at 770-722-6200.*Prayer Shawl will meet in the Annex on Monday, February 24th.

Dallas First Dallas First
Choir and Bell Choir

Choir and Bell Choir

News From the Loft!If you love to sing, then please consider joining the choir. We have such a great time singing, being together in fellowship and worshipping our Lord. The chancel choir meets every Wednesday from 6:15-7:30.If you read music, please consider becoming a ding-a-ling! Ringing bell

Dallas First Dallas First
Nurture Nuggets

Nurture Nuggets

The Nurture Team will continue to visit and serve communion to our Senior Saints and homebound members during the upcoming year. Visitations are scheduled for various months following Communion Sunday at church.These dates are the Sundays that communion will be served, and plans are to form teams a

Dallas First Dallas First
Our New Mobile App is LIVE!

Our New Mobile App is LIVE!

Dallas First UMC has its very own mobile app! Download it now on the iOS app store and Google Play Store

Dallas First FUMC Dallas First FUMC
Renew at 9 Bulletin

Renew at 9 Bulletin

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Rev. Blake Trent*SONGS OF PRAISE “Trading My Sorrows” Darrell Evans Renew Band“Trust In You” Lauren DaigleCHILDREN’S MOMENT Mrs. Taylor SwindleCONCERNS & JOYS Rev. Trent(If you have a prayer request you would like added to the list, please use the cut-out on thebulletin,

Dallas First Dallas First
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service Bulletin

11:00 a.m. Traditional Service Bulletin

PRELUDE “Prelude in E” Mino/Chopin Ms. Valorie FosterWELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Rev. Blake TrentCALL TO WORSHIP Chancel Choir*HYMN “My Hope Is Built” No. 368*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH “Apostles’ Creed” No. 881I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in JesusChrist his only

Dallas First Dallas First